Article ID : 00090081 / Last Modified : 11/04/2018Print

When an A-mount lens is attached, is there a function that allows the user to check the focus by magnifying an image?

    Use the Focus Magnifier function.

    Set it up as follows.

    1. MENU - image(Camera Settings) - Focus Magnifier
    2. Press imagein the center of the control wheel to enlarge the image and select the position you want to enlarge using the up/down/ left /right side of the control wheel.
    3. Confirm the focus.

    You have to set this setting each time you shoot an image. If you want to use this function frequently, it is recommended that you assign [Focus Magnifier] to a custom key.

    For example, the Focus Magnifier function can be assigned to the Custom 2 (C2) button as follows.
    MENU - image (Custom Settings) - Custom Key Settings - Custom Button 2 - Focus Magnifier

    You can also assign the function to a different key. For details, refer to the Instruction Manual.